Walking the Path

Dealing with uncertainty in life

Posted by Meaning of Life on July 24, 2016


I have been in a spiral of emotions recently ... only trying to figure out the impossible uncertainty that lies before me. What to do after I graduate? Which path to take? Which destination to head to? So I stumbled across this story that I had in the back of my pocket for a long time now. With all this stress, I was not able to write much. I ended up deciding to throw this story out and see what I find once this is done.

As always, this story starts by taking us back long long ago, when there was a boy called Tom...

Tom stayed at his spiritual home all day and there was a lot of love from spiritual mom and spiritual dad and his spiritual older brother Jack. As Tom grew up, he got bored one day and wanted to go out of the house to experience the world. He wanted to see the world for himself and see what things are like living by himself … cooking for himself … earning his own money … doing his own laundry … So he set off to try out this new life. He went out of the house one day when his parents were not able to do anything about it.

With the idea in mind that he will come back to his spiritual home one day because that is the real place of belonging. That is also what he promised his parents.

As he slowly learnt how too cook and how to maintain his own living expense, he started to realise how capable he actually can be. He can deal with his food, transport, rent, and so and so forth.

With his extra time, he started to socialise with the people around him. He fell in love with speaking to people and communicating with them. He was glad that he could also share some of the valuable lessons that he has learnt from his spiritual home because the people he socialised with seemed to lack some of the concepts of what he has learnt. These concepts helped the people around him become more spiritual.


There was a public whiteboard amongst the people. He decided to write something spiritual from the home he came from to guide these people to the right direction. People used the whiteboard for other things such as art but his words were never erased from the board because people felt enlightened by it. It was something different to what everyone knew. It put a smile in people’s hearts. He felt good that he could guide these people towards to the spiritual home. He felt a sense of purpose as he got more and more involved with these people.

One day, his new made friend suggested that he should try out singing lessons. He tried it and he really enjoyed it. He felt accomplished. Singing taught him to be more inline with his feelings because it is not just a logical practise. However, he also started to get exposed to the entertainment of life and the world around him. Home somehow just doesn’t feel so attractive anymore since there was so much that he could do out side of home.

But he would never try alcohol or weed like how everyone told him to. He was very clear of what he shouldn’t be doing. However, singing didn’t seem like anything bad to him …

Once he started focusing on singing, he also wanted to try out dancing so that he can join in with his new friends when they go out at parties. He went to dancing lessons. He practised with sweat and tears. The first dance that he had, people praised him for his brilliant talent of dancing. Everyone stood up and clapped for him. He was the talk of all of the people around him. That really put a smile on his face. It was always what he wanted. Acceptance. Appraisal. It was never something that he could have experienced from home.

Dancing isn’t alcohol. It isn’t too bad. Is it?

Slowly … Slowly, he lost the idea of getting back to the spiritual home because there are these luxurious things in life that he can get himself involved in such as Yoga, Reading, travelling, exploring, etc.

What is home? How does it even look like? What was the purpose of it? Why do I even need to go back?

Slowly … Slowly, he become one of the people that he used to give guidance to which needed someone else to give him guidance.

What’s wrong with the people in this place though? They are also human. Isn’t it? They find luxury in life which is so much more effortless than having to be at home.

Slowly … Slowly, he lost his ability to write words on that whiteboard because he had no more connection with his spiritual mom and his spiritual dad.

It doesn’t matter what I write on this whiteboard. Does it? I can’t see the change in people around me anyways.

Slowly … Slowly, Satan won the battle of distracting Tom in some sort of a way other than the path of getting back home.

This story has no ending. This is a story of our daily lives. As we breathe today, we decide for ourselves the journey we shall be heading.


This spiritual home is heaven. This Tom is us. Mom and Dad is God. The older brother is our angels. There was one path that we took out of the house and there is one path back to the house. Somehow on the way back, we just tend to always get attached to this, attached to that and get lost in this beautiful world of luxury.

Let go of our Attachments

These attachments are pulling us away from getting us to where we aught to be. These emotional driven situations in life, these events in life that pulls our attentions away and feeds us with anything else other than our destination is a chance for attachment. In the story, it was singing and dancing that was a form of attachment for Tom. Singing and dancing itself is not an attachment but with Tom falling in love with singing and falling in love with dancing is a form of attachment. We can still dance, we can still sing, but it must not fluctuate our emotions or draw our attentions away from getting back to heaven.

And because of the understanding of our attachments, our older brothers decided to come out into the dark world, knowing how luring it can get, to find us. To take our hand and guide us on the right path of cultivation to reach home again.

They truly are our angels and we need to recognise this. Sometimes, they won’t come in the form of a human because we won’t necessarily believe in that form of communication channel.

But Satan found out about this and decided to take advantage of this and send signals to Tom from different forms of channels as well. This is becoming a difficult mission from our Older brothers. These signals from both our Older brothers and Satan feel so similar and seem so correct from both directions. But they lead to 2 completely different directions and destinations.

How do we recognise the difference between the two though? How do we interpret them? How do we know what is right and what is "not right"?

And this is when that something comes into play. When our heart still has our spiritual home. When our heart still has heaven. We will be an able to differentiate between the two signals because we feel which signal leads us to home. This is the key to solving the uncertainty in our lives. This is the key to inner peace. This is the key ...


Communicating with God, if we do it correctly, with the right heart, is a direct connection to heaven. After we flooded our spiritual self with God's energy, then we will feel like we have just been through a trip in heaven and came back down to Earth to continue our mission. This communication serves as a reminder. A sticker on the door with the couple of words written on it "Heaven is your real spiritual home".

My Path

Understanding this, I would want to take a path that would allow me the space to accomplish the mission that I was bound to accomplish with my existance on this plant. Which, at the end of the day is an answer that doesn't really have an answer. Hopefully, it can help someone else instead :P

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