The Boy

Staring at the Angel

Posted by Meaning of Life on July 24, 2016

The Adventure

Are you good with your imagination? Can you picture yourself in my shoes?

In the cramped up corner of the mud hut, I laid on their lifelessly. As the sandy breeze scratches against my skin, I stare into the sky. I did not blink. I did not cry. My tears have already been dried up over the many childhood years of surviving on bread crumbs. What is the meaning of life? Why do I still exist?

I am sick and dying. My body is too weak to support itself. I have been on this same piece of soil for the past couple of days. Sometimes, I watch people walk past. People are so used to seeing kids like us vegetate on the floor, they end up striding off and continuing with life.

One day, someone tripped over me, stood up and kicked me in the ribs before continuing. I live in an area where there is no hope …

In the far distance, I saw a person. She was wearing a strange black cloak over her body. Even though the cloak was black, it seemed to be very bright. Somehow, this person felt different. She looked at me. No one ever looks at me. My heart started pounding a little harder. This is so strange, my heart has never pounded so hard before. The lady’s face was wrinkled, but she looked so beautiful. She had a smile on her face. For some reason, I think the person is not just another passing by stranger. She came closer and closer towards me. My breath shortened. My heart thumped. She reached out to me. Her hands were warm like the sun and gentle like a mother. Droplets of tears started to trickle down my eyes. I couldn’t control it. She picked me up and carried me into a room.

My eyes dried out again after a couple of wipes. While she was giving me a wash, I asked her "why are you doing all this for me?"

She kept silent for a couple of seconds and replied in a soft and steady voice "because I love you"

The Reality

This lady is mother Theresa and the boy is one of the kids that Mother Theresa reached out to.

A person’s faith in God is shown in one’s characteristics. She understood God’s love. She shared God’s love through her actions. And she changed lives of the people in her reach.

A person’s words can be perfected to paint out a story of justice and equity but their actions might not seem so.

I stumbled across this image online one day and I felt like this image really portrays a lot of meaning to the way society works. It emphasises the flaws in people once we are able to bring it into our personal lives.

Words of lies | Meaning of Life

This image is an image of a politician speaking and his words spills out as dirt that is drained down to be a waste product. This is a sense shows that what politicians say is not what they actually do and what they promise is never carried out.

People a lot like this. They would like to say things that they are categorised to be. Some people want to be classified as loving, caring, hardworking, strong, religious, etc. but their actions sometimes do not compliment their words of who they are.

However, people who are really loving, caring, hardworking, strong, religious, etc. will not place emphasis on saying it themselves, unless they need to. They will show it…

Such example is Mother Theresa. When you get to see the "love and care" that Mother Theresa has for people before saying that she actually does love them, then we will feel that "love and care" a lot more deeply rooted compared to someone that constantly regurgitates his/her contributions and believes of love and care.

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